Project: mycommunitysite
Sképsi (team formally know as Red Squad) has partnered with Shyft Digital to conduct a User Experience (UX) audit of MyCommunitySite.com, a service that provides HOAs, condominiums and similar residential services with their own websites along with control over the design and content.
This presentation documents the audit process, the research inspired by the audit, as well as the findings and
recommendations for improving the UX of MyCommunitySite.com
Round one testing "join"
Round two testing "wireframes"
Design & Test Plan
Red Squad Research Presentation
The experience of joining MyCommunitySite.com
Onboarding, or learning how to create your site
General UI improvements
Improving the back end UI, especially the onboarding process, will save Shyft time and resources.
Value to users
- Increased speed and efficiency
- Reduced fear and frustration
- Improved independent (without Shyft) control
Value to Shyft
- Will reduce time and resources dedicated to support,
freeing up time for more valuable activities
- Minimizing client frustration will increase positive
word of mouth, retain more clients and provide a
valuable selling point