Project: Movie Finder
Final Project - Fall 2020 MBS, programming
** Final project this semester will be a large program that deals in some way, shape, or form with Data Science. This is your chance to use Python to perform a task that YOU are interested in and use it to do Data Science
Proposal video: Movie Finder
Client: Professor Lars Sorensen
1. Video pitch for app Developed in Python, Movie F.I.N.D.E.R.
Develop App, Design an App with these criterion
2. App requirements:
A custom library (with classes, functions, and constants)
Iteration and decision making
imports from your library and the standard library
If you import a third party library, report it ahead of time. I want to be able to run your code on my computer so if you use 20 third party libraries I’m going to be unhappy about it.
File I/O - you must read input from a file and produce an output file.
The use of a data structure (you will understand this soon, Unit 6)
The use of object orientation (you will understand this soon as well, Unit 5). Specifically, I would like to see inheritance.
3. Video and App Deliverable:
Video Demonstration inclusive on App Development, Process, Test producers, Technology, UI, and Future Concepts and Ideas
Working Prototype written in Python
Python Command Line Interface. It's not pretty, but it works!
Magical and Beautiful!?
That's Movie Finder's code
My proposal for Movie Finder.
Shark Tank style request to prove that your Application Concept is worthy! Enjoy this fun and exciting proposal promo for Movie Motion Picture Fusion Integrated Numerical Decision Express Rectifier.
When developing, designing and coding this application, it was my intention to design a UI, although it was not a requirement for the class, I believe it was important part of journey for me as designer.